9 Causes Of Bloated Stomach (Plus How To Overcome It)

You all must have experienced something called flatulence, right? This condition is characterized by a full stomach, nausea, and the urge to pass gas, either through the anus (farting), or mouth (belching). Flatulence is a condition that is synonymous with disorders of the digestive system. However, what is the real cause of flatulence? Check out the following information.

Causes of Bloated Stomach (Because of Food?)

Before discussing further, know in advance that what is meant by flatulence is when the digestive tract is filled with gas or air in amounts that exceed normal limits. So, what triggers the increase in the amount of gas or air?

Here are the causes of flatulence that you need to know.

1. Gastric Acid Reflux (GERD)

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or if translated means stomach acid reflux, is one of the diseases that cause flatulence and nausea.

GERD, as the name implies, attacks the stomach organs. This disease is triggered by the production of excess stomach acid, plus a decrease in the function of the lower esophageal sphincter so that stomach acid rises into the esophagus.

Flatulence is one of the symptoms caused by gastric acid reflux disease or GERD, in addition to a number of other typical symptoms such as:

  • Heartburn
  • Chest pain (heartburn)
  • Mouth tastes bitter
  • Sore throat
  • Hiccup

2. Food

A number of types of food are thought to be the cause of frequent bloating of the stomach. The predicate 'cause of flatulence' pinned on these foods is based on the fact that consuming them can increase gas production in the body, which leads to flatulence.

The foods in question include:

  • Apple
  • Plums
  • Peas
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Foods containing fruit sugar (fructose)
  • Foods containing sugar alcohol (sorbitol)

3. Lactose Intolerance

Flatulence that is often experienced may be caused by your digestive system having difficulty digesting the types of foods that contain lactose. This condition, known as lactose intolerance, is one of the most common causes of flatulence.

Lactose intolerance itself, as explained by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, is caused by the body's inability to produce the lactose enzyme. If you experience bloating after eating foods that contain lactose, such as milk and dairy products, it means that you are lactose intolerant.

4. Difficulty Defecation (Constipation)

Constipation or what we usually call it 'constipation' is a condition in which the body has difficulty expelling feces or defecation (BAB). Indigestion is caused by a number of factors, such as lack of fiber, eating wrong, to stress.

In addition to difficult bowel movements, flatulence is one of the symptoms of constipation that is felt by sufferers.

5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disease in which irritation occurs in the large intestine, causing the large intestine to be unable to carry out its function to push feces out optimally.

IBS or irritable bowel is one of the causes of flatulence that you need to know and be aware of. In addition to flatulence, IBS is also characterized by other symptoms, such as:

  • Stomach cramps
  • Stomach pain
  • Nauseous
  • Farts constantly
  • Weak
IBS is a disease that can be experienced by anyone, but adult women have twice the risk of developing this disease.

6. Celiac

Celiac disease is another serious cause of bloating. This disease causes the sufferer's body to not be able to absorb food nutrients properly.

In addition to flatulence, some other symptoms commonly felt by celiac sufferers are:

  • Stomach ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Itchy rash
  • Rash
  • Weight loss
  • Changes in stool color

7. How to Eat Wrong

This may be the cause of flatulence that we are rarely aware of. In fact, the way you eat also contributes to causing flatulence. So, how do you eat that triggers flatulence?

There are several mistakes in eating food that are suspected to be the cause of frequent bloating, namely:

  • Eating too fast
  • Eat too much
  • Eat while talking
  • Drink water between meals

If the four ways of eating above have become your habits, don't be surprised if your stomach often feels bloated. It's good from now on to avoid these things if you want your stomach to feel comfortable all day long.

8. Enter the Wind

Colds or in medical terms referred to as aerophagia is a condition in which the air that enters the body—either when talking, swallowing food or drink, to laughing—too much.

This cold then causes the body to experience a number of symptoms, such as flatulence, frequent burping, and farting.

9. Stress

Everyone must have experienced stress, where this condition is triggered by various factors, whether it's problems with work, family, romance, and so on. Well, flatulence is a common symptom when you are stressed. This is related to an increase in stomach acid in the body when you are under stress, anxiety, or restlessness.

Stress is unavoidable, but this condition can be controlled so that it doesn't drag on and can have an impact not only on flatulence, but the emergence of a number of diseases.

How to Get Rid of Bloated Stomach?

Flatulence is a mild condition, and can be treated in a number of simple ways. Some ways to deal with flatulence that you can do are:

  • Drink a lot of water
  • Drink before eating
  • Consumption of probiotic drinks
  • Wearing loose clothes
  • Sport

In addition, you can also take symptomatic drugs that aim to reduce gas levels in the body. However, consult your doctor first before using these drugs.

That's the information about flatulence and its causes. Although flatulence is generally not a serious condition, it still makes the stomach feel uncomfortable so it should be treated as soon as possible. Hopefully useful!